Sunday, February 7, 2010

A little 'innothenthce' goes a long way...

I have a grand-niece called Layla-Sue who is 3 and she has the cutest lisp. And instead of it going away as she develops, it seems to be getting stronger and it looks like she'll always have it. She a beautiful blonde kid who can be as bold as brass but you just have to love her!

Recently she marched into the kitchen look up at her granny (my sister) and said, "Granny! Why do sthome babiesth eat their mammy'sth?" My sister was stunned by the question when suddenly it dawned on her that one of my nieces was in the other room breast-feeding her baby. Layla had never seen this before and was amazed that baby Oliver was 'eating' his mammy!

Layla's innocence is as cute as her lisp. And it's a simple picture of how we can get the wrong end of the stick! To Layla the little baby was taking something from his mammy. What she didn't realise was that the baby's mammy was giving to him. Feeding him, nourishing him, bonding with him and loving him. Having never had children I don't know what that's like. But Layla's misreading of the situation is like my own misreading of my relationship to God. .

He gives and feeds and nourishes, bonds and loves -- just as freely as a mother gives milk to her new born baby. There's nothing I can take from God my Father that he is not already willingly giving me anyway.

Such an intimate picture.

If only I had Layla-thSue's innothenthce :)

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